Hi, it’s nice to meet you!

I am a Data and Visualization Librarian in Data Services at Johns Hopkins University. I love the statistical programming language R, cycling, and sprawling used bookstores with ornery owners.

I studied computational topology at Tulane, exploring the importance of cancer morphology in diagnosis and prognosis, finishing my Ph.D. in 2020. During my Ph.D. I cofounded an automated digital pathology company, Instapath. I developed educational materials and taught workshops for the Tulane Library, as well as becoming a certified Software Carpentries instructor, before moving into libraries full time. I am open to new projects and collaborations, and you can find me on Mastodon and GitHub.

I live in DC with my partner and dog Chewie - named for the New Orleans Mardi Gras walking parade Chewbacchus.

This site was built in R using blogdown and Hugo, with the exceptional Hugo Apéro theme and deployed using Netlify. My blog posts are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Pete Lawson, Ph.D.

Data and Visualization Librarian